How do I place an order?
To place an order online, simply click on the item you want to purchase, add it to your basket and proceed to the checkout. If you need help placing an order online please get in touch with us, you will most likely speak with Andrew who makes the tables.

How do I know my order has been placed?
Once you have placed an order online you will receive a confirmation email of your order. This will contain your order number and a summary of the item(s) you have ordered. If you have placed an order online and have not received a confirmation email please get in touch with our customer support team.

Can I place an order over the phone?
Yes, we welcome calls and ordering by telephone or email. You can still pay by bank transfer or via card.

How many people can I get around a table?
On average you can fit the following:
90cm / 3ft : 2-4 people
120cm / 4ft :  4-6 people
150cm / 5ft :  6 people
180cm / 6ft :  6-8 people
210cm / 7ft :  8 people
240cm / 8ft :  10 people
270cm / 9ft : 10-12 people
300cm / 10ft : 12 people

Benches allow for more people to sit around a table, especially if some are kids. For example a 180cm table with one bench and the rest as chairs will easily accommodate 6 or 7 people.

Do you deliver?
Yes, we carry out our own deliveries in Scotland and the north of England and use a furniture delivery for company longer distances. You can find more information on our delivery page.

Do you have a showroom?
Yes, we have a showroom in our workshop in Selkirk where you can view our tables and where we also have some stock items ready for immediate collection or delivery. We are open Mon-Fri 10am-4pm or to arrange a visit at the weekend call or drop us an email.

Can you make custom pieces?
We can make tables to any size so if you need a non-standard width, length or height please get in touch. We can also make changes to some of our designs to make them more accessible for the disabled or wheelchair users. We also build bespoke tables from Ash and Elm.

Why has the price changed?
At Edinburgh Table Company we try to offer competitive pricing on all of our products. This means that from time to time the prices on our website may vary. We are unable to refund the difference in price if your order has already been processed. If you have purchased an item in the last 24 hours please get in touch with our customer service team.

Do I have to pay VAT?
For retail customers, all of our prices on our website already include VAT at the current UK rate of 20%. Commercial quoted prices will be excluding VAT unless otherwise stated.

Our tables aren’t made to be ornaments, they are there to be used. Having said that if you follow the guide below your table will continue to provide good service and look its best.

How is my table top finished?
Our table tops are finished with hard wax oil which is a product used for furniture, worktops and floors. It is resistant to things like red wine, cola, fruit juice and saliva so is ideal for families with young children. We would always recommend using place mats for mealtimes, coasters for hot drinks and wet glasses and placing any heavy objects on a cloth to protect your table. Any spills should be wiped up at the end of a meal as if left too long they can eventually penetrate the finish. Be especially careful with things like red wine, oil and spices such as turmeric. Condensation from a cold drink will also eventually leave a ring mark if left for any length of time. It is not advisable to cover your table with a tablecloth for extended periods of time, especially when you first get the table, as it needs to acclimatise evenly (i.e. both sides of the table top) to it’s new environment. If you have underfloor heating we would advise you to keep this on a low setting for the first few weeks after delivery.

How can I clean my table top?
Tables can be dusted with a dry cloth but it is best to avoid scrubbing your table or getting it too damp, only clean it when necessary. The cleaner (available from the link below) can be used to wipe up any spills. Avoid using harsh detergents as any solvents or chemicals may break down the finish which over time will make your table top less durable.

Oil Cleaner

How do I maintain the surface?

We would not expect our hard wax oil finish to need any maintenance, under normal use, for years. If you do decide it needs re-coated let us know and we can advise on the best course of action.

If you bought a waxed table then we recommend re-waxing every 2-3 months. To do this simply apply the wax with a lint free cloth, leave for 20 minutes and then buff with a clean cloth.

If you want to remove marks or stains from the wax use a mid grade sandpaper (80 grit) and gently rub the surface by hand in line with the grain. This removes the previous wax. Your sandpaper will quickly clog up with the old wax so change frequently. Then finish with a lighter grit (120 is ideal) to give a super soft smooth finish before waxing.

To apply several coats of wax (check instructions on the tin), but leaving a few hours or a day in between is advisable. If you re-wax too soon before the wax has dried you will simply be lifting the first coat and re-doing it. Each brand is slightly different so follow their own instructions.

We suggest Liberon for high quality finishes.